msn and internet explorer

I am new to all this, so I hope I'm in the right place. I started using Yahoo, and it's my "home Page". I tried to get into MSN to check to see what may be in my mailbox, as I was originally signed into msn with a hotmail address.I am thinking this is have two mail addy's. I really have no idea why this happened, but I am wondering if CCleaner could have anything to do with it. (by not being able to get into either explorer or msn.)anyhelp would greatly be appreciated.

wanda. email address removed to avoid spamming~moderator

thank you.

So, to clarify, your problem is you cannot sign into MSN via the messenger and via Internet Explorer?

Welcome wanda

I do not use Yahoo as my home page just Google.

I have no problem getting into Hotmail that is in my Favorites.

Yes, MSN gives me the display that it cant log me in, and to check my internet connection, (which I did and everything is fine.)When I try Explorer, It takes me straight to Yahoo.,In the 7 years, I've always just used Msn and explorer, so this is all new to me( losing msn etc.)And I'm just perplexed. I really like Yahoo, but I didn't know I'd face this problem.

thank you

Hmm, I am still failing to understand the situation properly.

How I see it is: you've logged into WLM (which is MSN) using Yahoo! and it worked up until a while ago when it stopped, at this point you decided to try your WLM (MSN) credentials and these still failed. Failing them two you visited to sign into Windows Live using your WLM credentials and it still failed.

Right? ... if so, continue -- if not, then correct me ...

Have you recently installed a firewall? This is the only thing that I can think of that would stop your MSN/WLM connecting to Windows Live. :unsure: But, then, it wouldn't stop your Internet Explorer--that is more a cookie issue.

If you have recently installed a firewall then tell me what firewall it is? If not, then let me know. :P

In Internet Explorer (v7): Tools -> Internet Options -> click on the "Privacy" tab -> click the "Default" button (or manually slide the bar down to "Medium") under "Settings" -> Click "OK". Restart Internet Explorer and try again.

Hi wanda, and welcome to the forum.

I'm not sure I'm understanding exactly what your problem is either, so we'll see if we can pin it down exactly.

I use Yahoo Mail, and I have no problem at all getting into it. Which version of Yahoo do you use? There's a "Classic" version, which I use, and there's the "All New Mail" which I hate.

This is how you'll recognize the "Classic" version from the top left corner.


I ask that, because I've heard of quite a few people having problems with the "All New Yahoo Mail".

Secondly, just to confirm that you have two completely seperate eMail accounts. One with MSN, which is your Hotmail account, and one with Yahoo, which is completely seperate. Am I right so far?

Are you being physically prevented from logging on to either of them when using the correct username and password? Or were your username and password automatically filled in, and are now missing when you access the login screen.

I'm wondering if your talking about the loss of cookie information, or if you're actually being barred from logging in manually.

If I've got this totally wrong, no worries, it won't be the first time, as long as we get to the crux of your problem.

EDIT: Didn't see the above reply until I posted, but I'll leave it, as we both appear to be puzzled.

OK I always had an MSN account. Then we moved,and had no service.(only dial-up urgh.) and when we finally got back on line 3 yrs later, I couldn't get into my original account. MSN said that I never existed. And I was using the same PC/Hard drive. OK, so I changed my user name and password so I could get access and it worked. But the MSN mailbox changed so much I hated it, and thought I'd try Yahoo,(CLASSIC I love it)) as I had been there before, so I downloaded everything, Got a new user name and password, notified the few people I used to mail to, and pretty much forgot about MSN until last night. I figured I'd better check the mailbox to see if there was any mail there. That was when I discovered, that although the blue square screen still had my user name and PW, it just wouldn't let me in. And when I tried Int Exp, I got my yahoo screen. ( I have Yahoo as my home page) and couldn't access Int.Exp. And , here we are. And while I'm at it, the fact that I was offline for three yrs, are you deleted from, say, MSN, ETC? thanks

Hi Wanda, I think what's happened is your Hotmail account has expired. It happened to me after not using it for only a few months.

I managed to get it back again eventually, and it was a real pain. But they had deleted all my saved Web Site Registrations and everything else.

Even if you use your old log-in details it won't let you in. You'll probably have to contact them to see if you can get it reactivated. That's if you want to of course.

Is your Yahoo account working OK?

Why thank you. But it hasn't even been 2 months, more like a month at most 5 weeks,since I took up with Yahoo, and left msn behind. but anyway I just remembered something. I finally downloaded service pk 2, 3 weeks ago. then just 3 days ago, I DL service pk 3. would this make a differnce? you guys and gals have been a huge help with all your responses. You know, I did try contacting msn, thru their "help and support" awhile back when I came back on line after such a long time being off line, and it seems that I would get the same response. Finally could get no further , except maybe a phone call, which I declined to do. Theres really no hurry, and I can work on it at my leisure, I just thought there might be a quick fix, something simple. The reason I contacted you was because I DL CCleaner, to help with my registry problems and just thought it may have cleaned it right out of my pc. :lol: I will keep checking back at any rate, and when your through with me you'll just say so....yes?

thanks wanda

Hi wanda. Your right it hasn't been long enough for your account to expire. I noticed you'd been off your account for 3 years, but missed that you'd been back to it shortly before this happened. It's easy to miss something when there aren't any page breaks in your text. I'm too long in the tooth to concentrate that hard. :blink:

Your problem is simply Hotmail. There are posts on forums all over the place from people with the same problem as you, and one or two from folk who think they may have a fix.

It seems to be their servers having the problem. There's apparently a patch out there somewhere from Microsoft to fix this, but a few of the links to it I've tried go nowhere, like the forum linked to above, although it's worth a read.

I've found people who can't get Yahoo either. I'll keep looking around for a solution, but you may have to just wait, or try changing your password at the log-in page. It might help.