When I got my new pooter last year I eventually installed Microsoft Security Essentials. Then I turned on Windows Defender and things went a little caacaa coocoo. So I turned off Defender. I don't get why 2 MS apps would be so mean to each other.
Microsoft Security Essentials is supposed to disable Windows Defender. See here.
Ah. Thanks Andavari. I guess it did disable Defender when I installed it but then I tried to turn it back on. Took a bit of Catch22 anti-manipulating to get it turned back off again. It was weird.
MSE should have something very big and prominent displayed about Defender conflicts before beginning/continuing installation.
AFAIK MSE is supposed to 'replace' defender as your system protection, but I may be wrong. I think defender is lame anyhows
I think defender is lame anyhows
At least MSE uninstalls it on XP, only disable for newer OSes though.
Andavaris' link mentioned that 64-bit Windows don't have any option to uninstall Defender so the best it could do was deactivate it. But I did not know that. I had no way of knowing that. Thus the big plastered billboard suggestion.
Oh, hi Andavari!