MS Word History not Cleaned

I am using the latest version and CCleaner no longer cleans my history from MS Word............. FYI all other MS history is cleaned, Excel, PP etc.

I am using Office 2003

Any suggestions or fixes???

Well, I use another Registry cleaner and it seems to detect recent items history references of deleted MS Word Documents even if I have ran CCleaner to delete junk files before doing a Registry scan. I use Office 2007.

Do you have the history ("Recent Documents") feature turned on in Word (it's in "Tools->General"):


Also make sure you of the MS Office box ticked/enabled in CCleaner. Unless they've changed something in CCleaner not mentioned in the changelog it should still clean it.

Yes on Both questions and as I pointed out all other history, excel, pp, etc..... is cleared...... this only just begin two upgrades ago before that CCleaner worked perfectly

Do you have the history ("Recent Documents") feature turned on in Word (it's in "Tools->General"):


Also make sure you of the MS Office box ticked/enabled in CCleaner. Unless they've changed something in CCleaner not mentioned in the changelog it should still clean it.

Okay today I got an idea from reading another thread..... I went back to version 3.00.1310 and voila problem solved, MS Word history now cleaned.

Over the next few days I will updated the versions to let every one know where the bug starts for any that may be interested.


Final post on this I hope to hear from Piriform........ I have gone back and re-loaded and run older versions of CCleaner on my laptop and my desktop.

Version 3.02.1343 is the last version that cleans the history in Word 03, on both the laptop and desktop.

From upgrade 3.03.1366 thru the latest version 3.05.1409 there is no history cleaning of Word on either computer, all other software History is cleaned this issue for me at least is specific to Word03.