I've used CCleaner a few times now (and in the past).
There is one feature i didn't find back: cleaning of the Outlook AutoComplete File. Should be nice if you can clean/remove them too.
The explanation of how to do it manually
Normally, you can easily delete unwanted names from the Microsoft Outlook nickname cache. You simply use the up or down arrows to select a nickname from the list when it's visible, and then hit the Delete key. However, if the Microsoft Outlook nickname list gets corrupted, this won't work, and the nickname list itself may no longer come up.
In such cases, the entire nickname list must be erased and rebuilt:
1. Close any running copies of Microsoft Outlook. (File - Exit)
2. Open Windows Explorer.
3. Make sure hidden files and folders are visible in Windows Explorer by navigating to Tools -> Folder Options -> Advanced Settings, and select "Show hidden files and folders."
4. Look in the directory \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft Outlook for any files with the .NK2 extension. These are the nickname caches. (If they're not visible there, you may need to search the system for any files that match that extension.)
5. Rename the file to something else. For example, if the file name is Outlook.NK2, you could rename it to Outlook.NK2.bak.
6. Restart Microsoft Outlook. A new Microsoft Outlook nickname cache should now be rebuilt.