Hi, my 1st post at this forum, hi to all, I have an install problem with my MS Office Disc. My new computer is getting a MS OFFICE encountered an error during setup ...., I tried copying disc contents to desktop, but still the error shows after 15secs of loading the disc? There is much info about this but all my tweaks dont sort the issue. As my Dr Watson file has been looked at by a GURU. I now have to try and get CC Cleaner to erase all instances of Chrome...How do I do this using CC Cleaner?
All good advice welcome,
Can we ask what the install error message was from Office? New computer, Windows 7?
Did you put chrome on it?
Welcome to the forum by the way ![:)]()
Im on XPHOME, error still occurs, how do I use CC Cleaner to ensure all instances of Chrome are removed? I tried downloading the Trial Version of MS OFF, still same error message loading,
MS OFF encountered an error during setup.... All good advice welcome.
Dr 1.txt
How did you install Chrome, default install?
How did you uninstall Chrome?
Have you looked in C\programs files etc to make sure the folder is gone?
Anything left in Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChrome?
Have you had a read here?
Have you tried reinstalling Chrome to the same place you did before and then uninstalling it again?
What event id error shows in Windows Evevt Logs for the crash?
Have you tried the Windows Installer Cleanup?
Chrome wsa installed by another installed programe,but that was on the old pc.
I used Control Panel.
The Folder is now gone. Nothing in Doc/Setts ect, yes I read and followed the link.
Dont want to reinstall Chrome. See Dr Watson file for events.
Yes Win Cleanup performed...FYI...I just used the install disc on my laptop and it loaded no problem.
The EULA page is the new popup...it appeared during Laptop installation but is not showing on attempted
New Computer installation..hope that helps? I just searched for chrome see att?
Let's get things straight here.
You have a laptop and a new pc.
Office can be installed on laptop no problem.
You cannot install it on your new pc.
Are both the laptop and new pc both XP?
Did you install XP yourself on new pc?
How many licenses for Office do you have?