Mozzilla's AdBlocker under attack by lobbyists

I came across an article concerning AdBlocker. It seems that representatives for the advertising industry feel that AdBlocker is costing them money and may go as far as a legal action. The full story is here:


I find commercials repetitive and inane, which is the prime reason I no longer go on Youtube or watch much in the way of television. I make it a point to DVR the few programs I do watch so I can fast forward through the commercials. How do the rest of you feel? Do you think the lawyers have a chance? Or do we suffer another small loss in the fight for free and unbridled use of the Internet? Your comments please.

The article is about firefox, but they're using adblock for chrome. Teehee.

I find commercials repetitive and inane, which is the prime reason I no longer go on Youtube or watch much in the way of television. I make it a point to DVR the few programs I do watch so I can fast forward through the commercials. How do the rest of you feel? Do you think the lawyers have a chance? Or do we suffer another small loss in the fight for free and unbridled use of the Internet?

I'm with on the advertising it's out of hand, and I block it religiously.

As for YouTube you can block the ads and junk in videos on there if you inspect the page layout and look specifically for what annoys you on there - for me I hate annotations in videos and block them.

As for TV advertising I've been skipping that rubbish waste of life since owning my first VCR back in the early 1980s, and like you I skip all it via my DVR, that's one reason I record everything I'd like to watch on TV just so I can skip all the rubbish commercials.

I'm not a fan of advertising, but lets face it, on TV some of them are better than the programs.

Reality shows can go extinct in my opinion, it's nothing but mindrot stupidity.

I keep AdBlock disabled and only turn it on if I encounter a particularly annoying page. I figure someone has to pay for all that free web content - may as well be advertising companies.