Mozilla Firefox no longer being cleaned

I'm slightly puzzled by the fact that since tonight ccleaner isn't purging my system of files generated by Mozilla/Firefox. I still have the options checked. It still cleans internet explorer and Google chrome (though I rarely use either).

I have the latest version of Firefox, and Ccleaner.

Any ideas anyone?

what are the actual versions of FF and CC?

has FF done an update recently? was FF still running when CC ran?

is the maintenance service of FF running?

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I am using Firefox 20.0.1, and CCleaner v4.14.4707 (64bit).

Firefox has indeed updated recently, I'm fairly sure that it happens automatically now. It was definitely not running while I ran CCleaner. I'm sorry, I don't know what the 'maintenance service' in Firefox is. I have a box selected which erases each browsing session on closing the browser, this would appear to be a default selection as I haven't opted for it. I have also noticed that Firefox does not collect a browsing history as I surf. Although this isn't really an issue I am a little disconcerted by it.

try clearing your cache from inside Firefox to reset it by pressing CTRL SHIFT DELETE

You may have shut off History tracking in the Firefox options as well.

Thanks for your reply

I tried your suggestion but to no avail. There's still no record of any history.

Can you confirm that Options: Privacy - History is set to "Firefox will Remember History" and not "Firefox will Never Remember History"


is Ctrl+Alt+Del the same as Ctrl+Alt+F5 which is what I've always used when required (didn't know about the +Del one)


any reason why you are running v20 as compared to the latest v29.0.1 ?

Ah ha....we may be getting somewhere. I've checked the privacy settings as you've suggested, and it would appear that neither option was selected, the two options being either "Firefox will Remember History" or "Firefox will Never Remember History". This is probably the source of the problem. But what should I set it to? I'd like to have a history available as I surf, but I have no particular desire to save it on closure of the browser. Would that requirement be met best by the first option?

With regard the version of Firefox, I am in fact using 29.0.1, my original post was incorrect.


is Ctrl+Alt+Del the same as Ctrl+Alt+F5 which is what I've always used when required (didn't know about the +Del one)


any reason why you are running v20 as compared to the latest v29.0.1 ?

CTRL F5 will refresh the page and force a recache, CTRL SHIFT DEL opens up the manager


If you select a custom setting, you can have firefox delete history when it closes (while still tracking it during the session)

I think that's sorted it chaps. The history is back!

CCleaner is still not cleaning any files, but I gather that Mozilla takes care of this itself, so I'm not overly concerned anymore.

Very many thanks to you both!

Can you confirm that there are files in %LocalAppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{string of characters}\Cache (or cache2)

I'm sorry I don't know what that means.

Open the run dialog by holding the Windows Key and pressing R

In the run dialog, enter %LocalAppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles and hit enter

A folder should open with a subfolder with a name along the lines of rfgd933w2.default (the string before .default is random)

open it and you should see a cache folder, please confirm that there are files inside your cache folder by right clicking on it and selecting properties.

Thank you for explaining that.

Yes, I can confirm that there are three cache folders, each titled slightly differently, and there are files in each of them.

If you close firefox, and open Task Manager's process tab (called Details in Windows 8+), can you confirm there are no firefox.exe or plugin-container.exe processes running?

If you try to run the cleaner with Firefox open, does CCleaner prompt you to close it?

I can confirm that there are no such processes running in Task manager, and when I run CCleaner with Firefox still running it does indeed prompt me to close it before it can finish its sweep.

Does this sound as if it's functioning correctly?

Sounds like everything is functioning correctly..

Try closing firefox, navigating back to the folder with the cache folders in it again, and manually deleting the cache folder (just "cache" and if it's there, "cache2", not the others)

Then reopen firefox, visit a page, close, and see if CCleaner can clean the cache

Would that be jumpListCache, OfflineCache or startupCache? Those are the three present along with a folder called safebrowsing and a file called _CACHE_CLEAN.

just "cache"

If it's not there, firefox isn't caching data, and you'll need to set up caching in the firefox options

As you will have gathered by now, I'm far from informed as to the complexities of the setitings we've been discussing. I've taken a screen shot of the advanced tab in my Firefox options to illustrate the current situation, and attached it to this post.

Would you direct me as to the next step?
