moving settings from 1 disk to another

I've just installed ccleaner on my windows7. I used to run XP on a seperate hard drive that is still attached so that I can access all My Xp info/settings. I just wanted to know if anybody knew where ccleaner kept it's settings file so I could copy it accross, mainly for the cokkies so I didn't have to sort through them alkl again.


If you have checked "Save all settings to an INI file" in options, it's in C:\Program Files\CCleaner (or C:\Program Files (x86)\CCleaner\ on x64 systems). wink.gif

If you have checked "Save all settings to an INI file" in options, it's in C:\Program Files\CCleaner (or C:\Program Files (x86)\CCleaner\ on x64 systems). wink.gif

Cheers i had NOT had that checked, So i'll fire up my old windows check it and copy the said .INI file across.
