After I run CCleaner Version 2.33.1184. I clean it a couple of times to make sure it is cleaned. it moves my favorites around and put them in order and I want to keep them where I put them.
I assume you use firefox, correct?
Go to the applications tab and untick "compact databases"
I have Mozilla Firefox. But I want to use internet Explorer Eight instead
If you don't like your favourites (in Internet Explorer 8) to be moved/sorted then untick the box ""Menu order cache"" in the ""Windows"" pane.
If you don't like your favourites (in Internet Explorer 8) to be moved/sorted then untick the box ""Menu order cache"" in the ""Windows"" pane.
Where Can I find that Menu order cache? Please tell me where I can find it.
Click on ""Windows"" in the main screen of CC to open that pane and untick under ""Advanced"" a box called ""Menu Order cache"". Then in the future those items won't be sorted anymore.