Move large files to the end...

Defragmenter other company made ​​the drive. In both (other and Defraggler) linear nicely I see all the files. (analyse - 0 files fragmented, 97% of the files have a size of 350-1500 MB, cluster on the disk 16K). I set up the transfer of large files at the end. Such files have the ~ 15, set to the size of 2700MB.

Turn Defraggler and what do I see?

To save somewhere in the beginning of disk 16-32KB (I suppose) Defraggler began to spread files, move from the beginning of the disk after a bit of moving forward moving 1.2 TB of data? - time to end more than a day. Defraggler moved to the end of the 4 files (6.2 GB 4.7 GB, 2 x 3.5 GB). The other 2 files 3.5 GB and a few others 2700-3500MB have not been transferred. What could be causing this?

P.S. Sorry for my english, I wish for further development so friendly program.