Tired of that boring little mouse pointer?
Go to Control Panel then Mouse then Pointers then choose Dinosaur and watch the cute Dinosaur as the system is busy instead of the boring hour glass.
Conductor is OK if you are musically inclined.
Tired of that boring little mouse pointer?
Go to Control Panel then Mouse then Pointers then choose Dinosaur and watch the cute Dinosaur as the system is busy instead of the boring hour glass.
Conductor is OK if you are musically inclined.
I hate all the other mouse pointers, they bug the life out of me!
Working on a laptop for a friend this week resulted in seeing a running horse for ages instead of the hour glass, I soon changed it back to it's default.
lol. i settle for the bronze cursor configuration. no dinos for me
I use the Linux cursors (on Windows). All the XP cursors are ugly
Regular unflavored white cursor for me.
Regular unflavored white cursor for me.
The same here. Some of those non-traditional shaped cursors I've never been able to get used to, it seems as if the pin point accuracy is off by a tidbit.