I already have the USB cable! Any idea where can i download the drivers from?
That's about all they seem to have. Nothing about drivers. Why would you need them?
I did a google search and here is what I found. lol
This place is selling a cord and has free drivers to make it a wireless modem. They sell software for $25 sync it with the phone.
Forum I found with download
I have no clue if that helps but thats all I got.
That's about all they seem to have. Nothing about drivers. Why would you need them?
To put some ringtones in. How else can i put ringtones in?
@riddgely: Thanks I'll download and check it tonight.
depending on your wireless provider, you can download ringtones straight into your phone from the providers web site.
who's the provider anyways?
go here and set up your account, once in you can view veiw all of their downloadable stuff available for your phone
Ahh.. thanks man! But, it wants $1.49 from me per each ringtone
I called the store and asked them about the USB cable and CD. Its only $25 dollar so.. I'm going to buy it today
@Tarun, rridgely, and MP_handler: thanks for your help