More questions on icons

I noticed this morning that the desktop icons for my Firefox, Paint.Net, SuperAntiSpyware are gone and in their place a little white box with a blue banner thing on top is there in their places. Any clues as to why they changed and how i go about getting the regular icons back? I did a system restore with no luck. Also right clicked a blank area of my desktop and did a refresh. No luck so far. Thanks!

Your icon cache may have become corrupted.

Try deleting the iconcache.db file.

Deleting will cause it to rebuild. It's in here:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data

Show hidden files and folders if you cannot see it.


I noticed this morning that the desktop icons for my Firefox, Paint.Net, SuperAntiSpyware are gone and in their place a little white box with a blue banner thing on top is there in their places. Any clues as to why they changed and how i go about getting the regular icons back? I did a system restore with no luck. Also right clicked a blank area of my desktop and did a refresh. No luck so far. Thanks!

David, if I understand your problem correctly then all you need to do is right-click the icon and then click the Change Icon button in the popup, then click Browse and then navigate to the desired folder, highlight the desired icon and then clcik Open. Now clcik Apply and then OK. Your icon should now be in place.

For example, to get your Firefox icon back, you would navigate to the Firefox folder and highlight (or click) "firefox.exe" (typically your folder would be labeled "Mozilla Firefox" and typically located within your Program Files).

Hope this helps. I have no idea why just these icons would have suddenly disappeared.

Thanks for the help, but now they're all mysteriously back like they should be. Walking away for a cup of coffee and coming back seemed to have done the trick. :rolleyes:

I will add ''C\Documents and Settings\Coffee'' to the list of recommended fixes :)

:D Very cute hazelnut. I just made a link to "coffee" on my desktop. When in doubt, I just click that and all is well! ;)

:D Very cute hazelnut. I just made a link to "coffee" on my desktop. When in doubt, I just click that and all is well! ;)
Make sure you don't link it to "spill" especially near the keyboard.

The RebIC application was designed to be a very small tool that will Rebuild the Icon Cache if you need to make a fast refresh of the system icons. Just launch it, wait a few seconds, and the icons are rebuilt.
Make sure you don't link it to "spill" especially near the keyboard.

The first thing I do when something like that happens is the quick things first, then a Reboot and a freshly brewed pot of Coffee helps put things into proper perspective.

Next time I will just go for a fresh cup of coffee and a smoke !!!

:) davey