I'm guessing the former - for System Restore - is down to the fact that there is a lack of space to include "Systemwiederherstellung" into the box without needing to change some coding for the German version? It is a long word to have to fit into such a short space! Perhaps the developer could list it as "System Wiederherstellung"? That would list the word over two lines, as it does for "Programme deinstallieren" (Uninstaller).
I know there was a similar issue with the French (i believe) on disk wiper which made it impossible to type ERASE. Thank you for your report, The developers read each thread so they should be able to see this and look into a fix for it.
I know there was a similar issue with the French (i believe) on disk wiper which made it impossible to type ERASE. Thank you for your report, The developers read each thread so they should be able to see this and look into a fix for it.
Yes...French loves long sentences, and German really likes extremely long words. Rindfleischetikettierungs?berwachungsaufgaben?bertragungsgesetz, anyone? This means "Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law"
Yes...French loves long sentences, and German really likes extremely long words. Rindfleischetikettierungs?berwachungsaufgaben?bertragungsgesetz, anyone? This means "Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law"
Thanks for that info. I mistakenly thought Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapit?switwe (widow of a captain of the Danube Steamship Company) was the longest.