Moderation Petition

Please post your comments regarding whether or not we need more/stricter moderating here.

I will be the first, YES, we do need more/stricter moderating here.

Yes we need more moderators. Do I think we will get them? No because from what I can tell Mr.G dosen't read the posts anywhere but in the CCleaner discussion part of the forum.

I was a little pissed that TwistedMetal deleted that topic in hardware where we were discussing the need for moderators.

Yes, we need better/more moderation here. There is little to NO moderation of this forum at all, unless something gets reported. There are forum rules and they're not followed. People spam here, give false/bad -even malicious- information and get away with it.

This will probably get deleted as well!

This will probably get deleted as well!

That is why we do the following:

  1. Start the petition on that website.

  2. Put a link to it in our signatures.

  3. Involve it in PM's with others.

  4. Try to keep it strictly CCleaner forum users only.

What if we start posting this in every question.

This forum is dying because of the lack of moderation. To get a respectful accurate response please post your question here.

Heh.. If only my site was dependable. So far everything I tried hasn't worked well. I need Dragonfly back, or $285 for IPB and a portal. Btw, it's dying. ;)

Fixed, goes to show you how big of a piece ms works is. I opened it up real quick to check that too. ;)

It would be hilarious if we all got banned for doing that. Then this forum really would die.

Yes stricker moderation is needed on the forums.

When the spam/warez url linker/malicous info posts by Mr. Clean started all over the forums I PM'd MrG and stated that the forum rules need to become more hard-assed, and with three offenses someone is banned, etc., and be something that new members should agree upon. His reply was that I had made good points. Now we'll just have to wait and see, however if a great majority of members wish for stricker rules that weed out useless members like Mr. Clean that have the potential of causing havoc on someones system who would stupidly follow his instructions and actually attempt to delete 'C:\Windows' we may just get what we want.

I however don't agree with this:

This forum is dying because of the lack of moderation. To get a respectful accurate response please post your question here.
Please post your comments regarding whether or not we need more/stricter moderating here.

We have a moderator??????

You could've fooled me.

I agree, somebody needs to wake up and tend to business.

I am mystified. Why was this forum opened, and who does it belong to? If I had created this worthwhile and essential exchange of ideas for my product, I would certainly try to keep it at least between the ditches. If it degenerates to mr. clean/polish dispensing wisdom, we are all in a fix for fixes.

Sorry, people can not be on the forums 24/7. Mr.G is on UK time and I work just about everyday. The matters will be taken care of, but it will take some time.

BTW, boots is no more.

TwistedMetal you forgot to remove some of boots more offensive posts. Please do not remove the whole thread that he posted in. He posted in a couple of the more usefull ones and I dont want them to disappear.

(If your not finished yet sorry).

I await to hear what the solution to these problems are. Thanks for the post letting us know whats going on.

TwistedMetal you forgot to remove some of boots more offensive posts. Please do not remove the whole thread that he posted in. He posted in a couple of the more usefull ones and I dont want them to disappear.

(If your not finished yet sorry).

I await to hear what the solution to these problems are. Thanks for the post letting us know whats going on.

At least he can edit the posting itself that the user did.

I just deleted "ALL" of his posts...

Is their anything to stop him from making a new account and doing it again?

Yes, but that is up to MrG. I will pass along the info to him, but that is all I am capable of doing.

Thanks TwistedMetal.

I second that, thank you TwistedMetal!