mixed messages

You know how sometimes you'll be walking through a crowd and you hear snippets of conversation which, when put together, can sound really weird? And the same thing can happen when you're reading something - like tv guide online can't always fit the whole name of a show or movie into the allotted space, so they do the dot dot dot (...) thing and what you end up with is a silly combination like "She Never Knew...All Dogs Go To Heaven".

I saw one of those in our forums on the main page at CCleaner Bug Reporting, over on the right side where it gives the last post posted.

It says: "Not all index.dat files are Norwegian."

Good to know. ^_^


Haha...that's funny. :D

It says: "Not all index.dat files are Norwegian."

Tis true. Mine are actually purebred Scots, which would explain the digital kilts.

LOL Thank, krit - I had to do so much explaining I was afraid it might lose something in the telling.

<sonsie eyes lokoike's digital kilts>

"So...tell us just what's under those kilts - and please, be brief," sonsie says as we all jockey for position, barely able to contain our eagerness to hear the answer.



Dirty girl! j/k!

"So...tell us just what's under those kilts - and please, be brief," sonsie says as we all jockey for position, barely able to contain our eagerness to hear the answer.



Whoa! Now just a minute! I don't think we're at that point in our relationship where I can be showing you my 100101011!

But maybe if you ask reeeeal nice-like, I'll let you peek at my 101 or my 10.

:lol: LMAO !!