A couple of days ago i opened up microsoft word and a window came up saying (windows installer) " preparing to install"
after that it came up that it had failed and it couldn't find "Installation file SKU011.CAB could not be found"
I am then prompted to install my windows disc to recover, but after doing this it still can't find it!!!!
I have being searching on Google and the general answer to this seems to be to change the CD Cache to '0' . have tried this but it throws up more problems.
Have tried to repair windows but during the process it ask's for the SKU011.CAB file again and install the original CD. So i do but still the same problem.... Tried to uninstall it but then it ask's for a Prom011.MSI file that's missing, and i have to abort it.
The CD Cache is now back at 0 but now i'm pulling my hair out, the machine is running slow because of it and every time i open up a microsoft app. it keeps happening.....aaaahhhhhhhhhhh please can some one help before i go bald!!!
If by any chance you have Office 2003 SKU011.CAB should be found on the install cd.
Or if Office is installed - C:\MSOCache\All Users\90000409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9
You can also go to Add Remove programs and select to remove Office 2003 and you will be asked to either remove or repair the installation, select repair and you may be prompted to insert the install cd.
This all depends on having the install source though.
Is it convenient to try a system restore to before the prob?
Several solutions are posted, a couple of which seem to work for most people. A long read but I hope one of the answers works, one of the solutions posted has worked for so many now the poster has cult status (post 69)
Have tried to repair windows but during the process it ask's for the SKU011.CAB file again and install the original CD. So i do but still the same problem.... Tried to uninstall it but then it ask's for a Prom011.MSI file that's missing, and i have to abort it.
Must confess didn't have system restore set up........
Seem to have hit a dead end, i'm a bit worried though that i can't even uninstall it!
2. Go into Folder Options and allow the viewing of Hidden Files and Folders.
3. Make a folder for the Office .CAB files, etc., such as (example): C:\Drivers\MS Office
4. Browse the Office install CD then highlight the .CAB, .MSI, and .XML files and copy them to: C:\Drivers\MS Office
Run Word or whatever else is asking for the install CD, but instead point it to use C:\Drivers\MS Office and you'll never again be bothered for the install CD. If Word or whatever else still bugs you for the CD after that, instead copy the whole CD to C:\Drivers\MS Office
has been going on for over 2 years (and is still a live thread) about the same problem.
Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves
I wouldn't blame Microsoft because there's a couple of scenarios that can happen which would cause the problem:
* Someone buys an OEM computer with MS Office pre-installed, and thus the .CAB, .MSI files, etc., aren't on the hard drive - I know this is how I received my Dell PC.
* During installation the person installing MS Office doesn't allow it to place the setup files on the hard disk which is a big no no as now known.
Several solutions are posted, a couple of which seem to work for most people. A long read but I hope one of the answers works, one of the solutions posted has worked for so many now the poster has cult status (post 69)
Hi i have a similar problem to newbie up there, i have done the returning to zero on CD cache, word worked instantly, hoever excel was still faulty, it shows up wth the following C:MSOCacheAll
If all else has failed like copying that .CAB files, .MSI files, etc., from the install CD then try a Repair Install of MS Office which can be started via Add/Remove Programs then click the Repair function. That will fix allot of stuff including missing registry data which allot of cleaning tools and registry cleaners damage.
Remember to allow the setup files to be stored on the hard disk during Repair/Setup so you don't have to go through this ever again!
Also remember to visit Microsoft/Windows Update site after doing the repair so it downloads the newest Office updates.