Missing Shared .dll's

From the information I have been able to find so far, it looks like CCleaner resolves a missing shared .dll by deleting the Registry key that calls the missing .dll. Is this correct? If so, why is it OK to delete those keys? Don't they serve a purpose somewhere?

And where did those keys come from? Examination of the missing .dll's in the list I got shows some files with a path originating from my CD-ROM drive. Of course, those .dll's are missing -- the CD-ROM on which they reside isn't in the drive. Are they left over from an installation, or are bad things going to happen some day if I remove them?

Rob M.

Hi there,

If the shared DLL no longer exists then the reference to it in the registry becomes invalid, so it is safe to delete.

There should never be shared DLLs referenced on a CD drive as shared DLLs by definition are system files which should be installed onto the system drive. It's probably due to a poorly written application.

Hope this helps.


Hope this helps.

It does. Thanks.

Rob M.