Missing shared Dll files

Scan shows a lot of entries which say I am missing shared DLL files.

Is it ok to delete these entries?

To the best of my knowledge,my system is running fine without the missing DLL files.

There is never a sure way to tell...

The best way to know is to make a backup before cleaning,

cleanup and use your computer as usually.

See how it goes and it shouldn't bring up any problems,

and if it does simply restore the backup.


There is never a sure way to tell...

The best way to know is to make a backup before cleaning,

cleanup and use your computer as usually.

See how it goes and it shouldn't bring up any problems,

and if it does simply restore the backup.


I didn't save a back-up, and am missing msvcr71.dll I now can not run a program that worked before. Is there an easy way to get this file back?

Try repairing the program through Add/Remove Programs.

If you can't, then try reinstalling.

I hope that helps. ;)


Can you tell me which program is it?

I just found some of these on my computer,

from my lexmark printer, java, and MS Office.


That's typically installed by some third-party programs if I'm remembering correctly.

Try repairing the program through Add/Remove Programs.

If you can't, then try reinstalling.

I hope that helps. ;)


Can you tell me which program is it?

I just found some of these on my computer,

from my lexmark printer, java, and MS Office.

The program is Eastside Hockey Manager 2007. I tried repairing it to no avail. I really don't want to uninstall, reinstall, because I'm not sure I know how to back up the game. I don't really know what to do though, so if I end up having to, so be it.

The program is Eastside Hockey Manager 2007. I tried repairing it to no avail. I really don't want to uninstall, reinstall, because I'm not sure I know how to back up the game. I don't really know what to do though, so if I end up having to, so be it.


Generally speaking it's harmless to install an app over the top of itself. There are exceptions to the this rule however.

What I'd do in your case since you're concerned about data loss, go to your C:\Program Files folder and copy the folder that contains the hockey program to "hockey--backup" or some other name. Since this is a copy it won't be affected by the re-installation. Then you can reinstall the Hockey program to the original folder.

I do recommend that you uninstall the app first, then install it again. But definitely copy that folder first if you do an uninstall. Different companies have different ideas of what "uninstalling" means, some think it includes deletion of all data and/or configuration files that are present in the same folder.

To do this -- right click on your Start button, click Explore (wait a few seconds because explorer can be annoying when it first opens), Scroll the left pane to the top, click on your (C:) drive, look for Program Files and click on it, look for your Hockey program and right click on the folder and click Copy, then right click on Program Files and click Paste. It will create a folder called "copy of hockey..." you can leave this called this name or you can change it to "hockey--backup" like I said above... whatever rocks your boat. Adjust these instructions as appropriate for your computer.


Roger Tiedemann, Jr.

A+, Network+, MCP