Missing Secure Delete Function

I can't seem to find any way to access the Secure Delete function of Recuva.

I've spent the past day reading your forums, looking at screenshots and talking with my sister.

I found your product (Recuva) while researching methods to help her recover accidentally deleted files, and recommended it to her. We both downloaded the same newest version, ver. 1.34.460. Her computer (Windows Vista) displays the button on the Advanced view, under Options >> General >> Advanced and then below

? Automatically Check for Updates and

? Save All Settings to .INI file

? She has a Secure Delete Button that I don't have.

Also, the secondary method (highlight, right-click shown in a Recuva screenshot , last two lines in the pop-up menu) is missing from my pop-up menu. This would be the lines "Secure Overwrite Highlighted" or "Secure Overwrite Checked." Selecting and/or highlighting files does not enable these menu options for me, or even reveal them.

These are available to my sister, using Windows Vista, but not to me. This machine is a Windows 98 SE box. Is Secure Delete not available on Win98 machines?

By the way, I've had wonderful success finding recoverable files of all types. Your Recuva program is a delight.

--- SkyyTek


All that is gold does not glitter; Not all who wander are lost

<Is Secure Delete not available on Win98 machines?>

That's right, it's not.