Missing recovered files

I'm having a strange thing happening, when I try and recover "Excellent" files it seems to only recover .jpgs totally. I'm also trying to recover CAD files it actually shows the file being transferred to my other drive but when I go to the folder the .jpgs show up but the CAD files are missing. Also a side note if I re-recover the same files it will ask me if I want to overwrite the CAD files in the folder so for some reason it sees the missing CAD files that aren't there...now figure that one out.

Please help


Hi James, and welcome to Piriform.

Firstly, are the files unwittingly being recovered to a similarly named folder on a different drive? Accidentally switched the target location. It's easy to do and of course each time you "save" you'll get the warning that the files are already there.

Have you tried doing a search for the CAD files on the drive you're recovering to?

Although they probably shouldn't be, have the CAD files possibly become "hidden" for whatever reason?

Have you tried closing the folder you're recovering to and opening it again?

Others may have a better answer James, but that's all I've got for now.

Hey Dennis,

I some how found a solution and I'm not sure what I did actually fixed it but I unchecked "restore to original folder" and magicaly the files now show up in the folder I'm downloading to.

The only thing I can figure is Recuva was downloading the files to a different folder..I have know idea where they went but it was so strange that the software was seeing files in the folder that it downlaoding to but the files weren't there.

Thanks for responding though that would have been a good idea to do a search for the file on the drive incase that for some reason Recuva was downloading them to a different folder. .


Yes you right I did a search and somehow Recuva found I guess similar folders and I had the same files duplicated in numerous folders.

Oddly enough I tried for the heck of it recovering a none recoverable .jpg and it was perfect when I opened it.

Thanks for updating the topic, and you did well recovering that jpg.

Recovery isn't an exact science, and sometimes a perfect file won't open, and as you have found out, a poor one will. Someone may be able to explain why, but it ain't me. :)