Missing Hotfix Uninstallers


I have CCleaner 2.31.1153.

When I analyze the "Hotfix Uninstallers" then CCleaner reports 0 Bytes to be removed.

Also when I clean the "Hotfix Uninstallers".

In my Windows directory there are some directory, that look like Uninstaller information:

$hf_mig$ (462 MB)

$NtServicePackUninstallIDNMitigationAPIs$ (575 KB)

$NtServicePackUninstallNLSDownlevelMapping$ (364 KB)

$NtUninstallKB940157$ (1,31 MB)

$NtUninstallMSCompPackV1$ (593 KB)

$NtUninstallWdf01007$ (595 KB)

$NtUninstallWdf01009$ (1,15 MB)

$NtUninstallWMFDist11$ (18,0 MB)

$NtUninstallwmp11$ (10,5 MB)

$NtUninstallWudf01000$ (651 KB)

$NtUninstallWudf01007$ (1,57 MB)

$NtUninstallXPSEPSCLP$ (576 KB)

Total space used by these directories: 498 MB

Is there a specific reason, why they are missing in CCleaner?

Will they be added in furure releases?



Is there a specific reason, why they are missing in CCleaner?

Because they are unsafe to remove.

Will they be added in furure releases?

I very much doubt it.


let me ask more specific:

why are other hotfix uninstallers removed from my computer but not those listed above?

Are they really "unsafe to remove"?

Of cause hotfix uninstallers are always critical to remove and you should only do this if you know what you are doing (because you can not uninstall them from your computer).

But if other hotfix uninstallers are removed, why not those?
