I use CCleander 2.14.763.
I also let it clean "Hotfix uninstallers".
After deleting the files I recognized that in my Windows directory there are still some files, where I think that they also should be deleted by CCleaner.
The folder c:\Windows\ie7updates (141 MB)
There are some folders like KB938127-IE7
Are these "Hotfix uninstallers" that can be also deleted (if yes, please add them to CCleaner).
The folder c:\Windows\$hf_mig$ (129 MB)
There also are all folders beginning with KB.....
Same question like before: are these "Hotfix uninstallers" that can be also deleted (if yes, please add them to CCleaner).
Last but no least the folder C:\Windows\Installer (1122 MB)
There I have sub-folders like "$PatchCache$" or "{00000407-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}".
Also many MSI (Windows Installer) and MSP (Windows Installer Patch).
And again the same question.....
It would be nice to get rid of all this wasted space.
So please tell me if those files can be deleted and what they are really for (especially the "Installer" folder).
Thank you for your answers!