Missing Export Kernel32.dll


I have successfully installed Defraggler on a Windows 98 machine and get the following error message when I try to start it.

Defraggler.exe is linked to missing export kernel32.dll:SetupPointerEx.The file kernel32.dll is in the correct folder

Any ideas?

David Manser

Defraggler require Windows 2000 or newer: http://www.piriform.com/docs/defraggler/introducing-defraggler/system-requirements

However, if you say you managed to install it on a Win98 system, maybe the devs should prevent this?

Some info here which may explain the reason why ...

This is not a missing DLL file.

In this case it is a missing "function" (Export) within that particular DLL (Kernel32).


And some info from an old thread which may be of interest regarding an alternative defragger ...


The thread is worth a read, although the relevant info is in posts 7 and 8. The link in post #8 still works as does the download link to the software.

Hope that helps, and welcome to the forum by the way David.