Missing Desktop icons and Task bar after running ccleaner

I am running windows XP sp2. I downloaded and ran the latest version of ccleaner. Upon reboot, I no longer had desktop icons or a task bar. This problem has occurred twice, each time after running ccleaner. Is this a known issue with this program? What settings are being deleted to cause this problem? The only fix I have been able to find is from Kelly's Corner. This fixes the problem but I would like to know what setting to disable to keep this from occurring in the future when running ccleaner. Thanks for any advice or help.

Sorry you didnt get a reply yesterday. I was busy dealing with some other stuff. Anyway it sounds like explorer isnt running. Try and see if you can pull up the task manager and see if you see it running if not, start it and your icons and task bar should pop up.

This isnt something that I have heard of ccleaner doing. I have only put the beta on few machines(5) and havent seen this and I dont think anyone else has either.

Let me know if the above works.

Never heard of CCleaner cause anything like this.

Though, I havent tried out any of the betas yet.

Never heard of CCleaner cause anything like this.

Though, I havent tried out any of the betas yet.

Running XP Home SP2 on 2 machines I have run every Version of cleaner up to the latest 1.27.225 Beta 2 havent had any problem of any kind. No negative affects on any software of any type I have on my desktop. Love this latest Ver. I add it as standard tool on ever machine I work on or build have had no problems yet. Thanks for a great product.

CCleaner messed up a LOT of my icons.


They're all gone.