Is it possible for a dual-core processor to eventually end up having only one core from complications or something? I could have sworn that I had a dual-core Pentium 4 processor.
Lately, Photoshop has been freezing up when I've had the same amount of memory(and computer as a matter of fact) for a few years. I know my limits with my brushes, layers, and image sizes, but even on the simple paintings, it freezes sometimes.
Also, I decided to open up Terragen 2 again, so I downloaded the newer version. When you start the program, it tells you how many cores and threads there are. It says, for me, 1 core and 2 threads.
When I right click My Computer, it says "Pentium 4 CPU 3.00GHz, 2.99GHz, 1.00GB of RAM". Doesn't the 3.00GHz and 2.99GHz mean there are two cores?
Post a screen shot. It's unlikely you have a dual core Pentium 4. Pentium 4's have hyper threading, which emulates a second core, but Pentium 4's for the majority were single core with hyper threading. The few dual core Pentium 4's were Extreme editions, and were able to emulate two cores, for a theoretical quad core. They were mad expensive, and were no where near as good as the Core 2 quad chips.
Post a screen shot. It's unlikely you have a dual core Pentium 4. Pentium 4's have hyper threading, which emulates a second core, but Pentium 4's for the majority were single core with hyper threading. The few dual core Pentium 4's were Extreme editions, and were able to emulate two cores, for a theoretical quad core. They were mad expensive, and were no where near as good as the Core 2 quad chips.
Screenshot of what? I'll try to get it for you tomorrow if I can. I know I definitely didn't get the Extreme edition, since I'm still using the standard processor.
Just of the screen you were looking at. Also, go to Start>Run> and type dxdiag and hit enter. Hit yes if a window pops up. Then take a screenshot of the window that pops up. Also, just take a screen shot of the Task Manager, the one that shows the cores.
Yep, that a Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading. The second window in the task manager proves that. No missing "actual" core, but that is how it is supposed to be functioning. That's what this quote means:
It says, for me, 1 core and 2 threads.
Odd that you're having problems. Are you unintentionally multitasking more than you were before? Do you know if you have DDR2 RAM? Cause it is either that or DDR (I believe) and 2 GB's will give you that boost you are looking for. DDR2 is insanely cheap right now. However, P4's are getting long in the tooth. You might want to consider saving for a new PC. Let me know what you think.
Yep, that a Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading. The second window in the task manager proves that. No missing "actual" core, but that is how it is supposed to be functioning. That's what this quote means:
Odd that you're having problems. Are you unintentionally multitasking more than you were before? Do you know if you have DDR2 RAM? Cause it is either that or DDR (I believe) and 2 GB's will give you that boost you are looking for. DDR2 is insanely cheap right now. However, P4's are getting long in the tooth. You might want to consider saving for a new PC. Let me know what you think.
I don't really think I'm doing anything different than before. I've worked on an image that was 100 inches wide and only received major lag when I was zooming in/out, moving the canvas around, and saving. My new brushes are quiet complex, but I can't imagine them being the reason PS freezes completely when it never froze on the 100 inch image.
Also, yeah, I have DDR2. I am moving away to college in a few months, so I'm not sure what I'll do in regards to upgrading this computer, buying a new one, or buying a laptop. Depending on the trouble and price it is for me to get another gig, I might just do that for the sake of doing art more often before I leave. I'm trying to find a good deal on a decent-sized laptop with 3-4GB of RAM, good processor, and a decent hard drive for college too, so I don't know yet.
My Dell setup is almost identical to Brian's. Apparently there are two (easy) ways to tell if hyperthreading is enabled, one with the task manager showing two cpu usage graphs (as above), and the other by going to Control Panel/System/Hardware/Device Manager/Processors, where two will be shown.