I am trying CCleaner 2.3.1130 (March 2010), and I think it's great for cleaning files. But for registry, I don't know if it is OK it does not detect many invalid ActiveX/COM/Software keys:
uhhhh /me assumes you mean "I am trying CCleaner 2.30.1130 (March 2010)", if not PLEASE UPDATE
ok now to question, Ccleaner is a VERY gentle Registry cleaner and errs on the side of not picking up as much as other cleaners do. so for your question
I don't know if it is OK it does not detect many invalid ActiveX/COM/Software keys:
and assuming you realy do mean "does not" as you typed, then this may be the reason.
If you, instead, meant (IMHO the more logical) " I don't know if it is OK it does detect many invalid ActiveX/COM/Software keys:"
uhhhh /me assumes you mean "I am trying CCleaner 2.30.1130 (March 2010)", if not PLEASE UPDATE
ok now to question, Ccleaner is a VERY gentle Registry cleaner and errs on the side of not picking up as much as other cleaners do. so for your question
and assuming you realy do mean "does not" as you typed, then this may be the reason.
If you, instead, meant (IMHO the more logical) " I don't know if it is OK it does detect many invalid ActiveX/COM/Software keys:"
Please read my signature
Sorry for the mistake, I edited the date.
About registry entries, I agree there are some entries we must not erase, as some files that could be detected and should not be deleted.
However there are many entries that do not make sense because they correspond to uninstalled apps:
Maybe there are empty keys from active apps, which should not be deleted. But that's why cleaning is done in bits, checking carefully and backing up, as you noted.