Mismatched name in registration

I just paid for and downloaded CCleaner. I am unable to complete the process because the site falsely claims that the name I am typing in does not match the account. As suggested, I went to the confirmation email and verified my name. I am certain that the names match, but I am still not able to go forward.

Are you copying/pasting the name from the email into the box, or are you typing it in?

If you are copy/pasting then make sure there is not a blank space before or after the pasted name.

For your security please don't give the name in open view, - but could you also tell us if it is a one word name, or two (or more) words with a space(s)?

I am having this exact same problem. Was it resolved?

Nevermind. I just closed CCleaner and re-opened. Then it accepted my name. All good.