Gave me goosebumps watching the clip of this little fella who died for two hours and came back to life.
The part that got me most is how he randomly points and looks up into the sky.
What do you reckon?
Gave me goosebumps watching the clip of this little fella who died for two hours and came back to life.
The part that got me most is how he randomly points and looks up into the sky.
What do you reckon?
It's also a reminder for parents that have a pool around children to somehow childproof it, or have it drained until their old enough to enjoy it safely, or remove it all together.
Pretty amazing stuff.
All us parents know from experience how amazingly resilient kids can be, but this takes the biscuit.
While I would never rely on this, here is an interesting video.
Great vid Madmartigan
Over here in Western Australia a pool must be fully enclosed with child/climb proof fencing by law.
Tragedies still occur though, mainly in rural dams and natural waterways.
TWO family dogs are being hailed as heroes - and may receive bravery awards - after they saved a two-year-old boy from drowning in a dam at a property near Mackay yesterday morning.
Police said the dogs, a Rottweiler cross and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, dragged the boy from the water after he had wandered on to a neighbouring property's dam.
The owner of the property had heard a noise about 11am and had run to the dam, which was about 100 m from the house.
The woman found the boy lying on the embankment of the dam covered in mud with the two dogs, usually thought of as aggressive breeds, by his side.
Police said there were drag marks from the waters edge to where the boy was lying and small scratches on his arms from the dog's claws.
"We are certain the dogs pulled him out of the dam," a police spokesman said.
"It is an amazing story."
Great vid Madmartigan
Over here in Western Australia a pool must be fully enclosed with child/climb proof fencing by law.
Tragedies still occur though, mainly in rural dams and natural waterways.
Amazing indeed. I just watched an incredible program about dogs and their ability to detect cancer. It was produced in Britain and included clips about dog trainers, both in Britain and the USA, who trained these dogs. They were able to detect cancer (after being trained) from blind samples containing such minute quantities of the cancer laden urine of men diagnosed with prostrate cancer (and other material). Their success rate ranged between 82-97%. They also showed a clip of a woman's pet dog who constantly licked a lesion on her leg. After urgings from her friends and family, she had it tested, and while it was not cancerous, had it removed. The dog no longer licked that area.
I have a cousin who had a border collie who was fiercely protective of his two daughters (as well as he and his wife) and ever vigilant when visitors he did not know came around. Never aggressive, but always on the watch and in typical border collie style, circled them if he felt there was a need to.
This child is extremely fortunate that everything fell in to place for him and it is surely one of those unexplained events in life that makes us ponder on what makes this world go round.
Amazing indeed. I just watched an incredible program about dogs and their ability to detect cancer.
I remember watching a TV program about dogs detecting cancer several years ago, and it seems even some ordinary dogs have special gifts in knowing when someone is either sick or in pain.
I don't get how they can teach a baby to float and cry if they fall in a seemed fake. I don't know why --- it could have just been me.