Minimizing during "Defrag Highlighted" causing it to not restore on Aborted files

Hi All,

See below for steps that causes this problem.

1) Analyse Disk.

2) Go to Folder Section.

3) Select Files needed.

4) Right Click -> Defrag Highlighted.


5) Click on Aborted popup.

If a file fails to defrag, the Aborted popup shows up.

Defrag is now finished and you can start a new one.


5) Minimize screen

If a file fails the defrag, defraggler seems to not allow me to restore back to the screen to click on the aborted popup. Usually going to Task Manager and killing the process seems to be the only option.

My assumption is that Defraggler gets locked when the popup shows up which is why it doesn't allow me to restore the screen in order to close it.


How can I solve the abortion of defragmentation and that none archve has been solved?


your most likely cause is DF could not defrag some files because they are in use and therefore locked by the process using them.

common culprits are your AV software.

you can run DF with the PC in Safe Mode to eliminate any background tasks locking files and hopefully it will run till completion for you, but really, the files it couldn't do should only be a very small subset of the overall files that it has done.