Microsoft Zune

Microsoft?s iPod-Killer: Zune

July 23rd, 2006

by Leon Huang

Could this be the real iPod-killer?

Zune rumors have been storming the blogosphere as of late, but Microsoft has finally made their official confirmation.

?Today we confirmed a new music and entertainment project called Zune. Under the Zune brand, we will deliver a family of hardware and software products, the first of which will be available this year. We see a great opportunity to bring together technology and community to allow consumers to explore and discover music together?, said Microsoft?s GM of marketing, Chris Stephenson.


Simply put, Zune will be the next big thing for your portable multimedia needs, with wireless networking aspects that will make file-sharing really fun.

There are tons of Zune-relate rumors and speculations. But thanks to the folks at Engadget, they?ve compiled a huge list to make things easier to digest.

There it goes:

What we know (for sure)

* Zune is the name of the project, the brand, and the device.

* The first Zune device will be launched this year, with more devices to come in 2007.

* The Zune brand encompasses not only the device, but the software that will drive it, as well as a music, movie, and media service the Zune device family will use for acquiring, sharing, and discovery of said media. Music will be the first angle of service that is launched, ?connected entertainment? being the ultimate goal.

* The Zune media service will heavily leverage community aspects and recommendation; emphasis is being placed on using Zune to discover new artists, media, etc.

* The Zune media device will be drive-based, and have WiFi.

* The Zune brand is intended to be an entirely vertically integrated end-to-end solution, not unlike the iPod / iTunes / iTunes Music Store triumvirate.

* The service and device will not be PlaysForSure compliant, meaning you will not be able to use your Zune player with Napster or Vongo, for example. This will be an entirely new system. Microsoft will continue to support and develop for their PlaysForSure initiative, but all things PlaysForSure are handled by two entirely separate division that will not have any crossover.

* Zune is under Microsoft?s new Entertainment & Devices Division, and is headed by, among others, Robbie Bach, J Allard (Corporate Vice President and Chief XNA Architect), and Bryan Lee (Corporate Vice President and CFO, Entertainment and Devices Division), which accounts for the division of this project from the rest of Microsoft, similar to how the Xbox project was also strictly separated.

* The logo is real.

* Microsoft?s launched the Zune viral marketing site,

What we think we know (and are pretty sure of)

* They?ll be showing off the device by the end of next month, and will aim for a November release.

* Microsoft will buy your way out of iTunes in order to convert you to a Zune user.

* The Zune will come in multiple colors.

* Pyxis is the codename for their nano competitor which would also include video capabilities; Alexandria is the codename for the software that powers the Zune experience.

* A Microsoft portable gaming system is in the works, and will be a part of the Zune family. This device should have Xbox Live Anywhere integration. This may or may not be an Xbox co-branded portable, but is probably going to be the portable gaming / media device we?ve been hearing about for years.

* Microsoft?s ad campaign will include a Super Bowl commercial.

* The Zune will have a bevy of accessories at launch; it?ll probably be cheaper for accessory makers to develop for the Zune port than pay the Made For iPod tax.

more here:


Zune in Canadian-French refers to the human penis. Nice name for a Microsoft product :P

I can honestly say that I'm not looking forward to that device. I have the sneaky feeling that they are going to make it only compatible with WMP or some new program.

The Zune brand is intended to be an entirely vertically integrated end-to-end solution, not unlike the iPod / iTunes / iTunes Music Store triumvirate.

The only problem is that WMP isnt so good. Also they're likely to make it only compatible with wmv,wma, and mp3 formats which isn't good enough anymore.

I like the idea of the wifi though. I guess it would be cool to get stuff off your pc from anywhere.I would rather it just have a huge hd to store all my stuff though. I don't see what else you could use it for though. Web browsing would be pretty hard with that design. :P

I am skeptic.

"We at Microsoft are very proud to announce our brand new revolutionary innovation, never ever has it been so easy and fast to enjoy high-quality music as with the new Microsoft iZunes, the spectacular state-of-the-art solution for the on-demand entertainment era!" :D

Considering that Microsoft is allergic to open formats and open standards, it will most likely not support Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, etc. :(

I wonder if it will be able to play MP3? Of you have to use a built-in program to convert them to WMA first. You probably have to use some "Zune Genuine Advantage" program too or something.

Can you say DRM ?

I wonder if it will be able to play MP3?

It will have to support MP3, because if it or any other portable player doesn't it would immediately be a flop and fail. Of course it will probably only support WMA, MP3, and perhaps WMA Lossless. I also don't expect Ogg Vorbis to be supported since MS has their proprietary unopen lossy format WMA. As for lossless support I also don't expect FLAC support due to yet another unopened MS proprietary format being WMA Lossless.

In any event I'm not even interested in it. And yeah it will most likely have DRM but MS seems to be a bit smarter with their DRM in that the licenses can be backed up at least unlike Apple.