Microsoft Word

ok... it have been a while since i last posted... i am busy with my project and it will be comming to an end soon...

i have a question here...

i am using Microsoft Office Word 2002 (in school) to write my report for my project... i have encounter a problem here...

as u guys know, in a report, the pages coming before page 1 of the introduction use lowercase roman numerals... and pages beginning with page 1 of the introduction use with Arabic numerals...

so how do i set the for example page 1 to page 3 is in roman numerals and page 3 to page x is Arabic numerals...?


hmmmm... call up Microsoft haha.


thanks... :lol:

anyone else...?

if not how do i contact MS...?

You have to insert a section break: Insert > Break > Section break types > Next page

You can now assign the page number format for Section 1 to Roman numeral (i, ii, iii, ...), and the page number format for Section 2 to arabic numeral (1, 2, 3, ... ). You'll also have to set the page numbering format in Section 2 to "Start at 1".


it works!

thanks Glenn!