Microsoft wishes Linux a ....

....happy birthday.

But do Linux accept the gift?

Tux needs a guard polar bear who'd eat the cake and the delivery boy.:lol:

The worst fears for MS are that if people use Linux, this will happen:

- No money from activation multi-layered activation schemes.

- People will get used to free software

- People will start to prefer free

- Microsoft $$$ will go down

To tell you the truth, I think most people would have supported MS, up until they got idiotic with things & tried to forcefully shove product activation/antipiracy MLM marketing scare tactics out to the populace in general.

Microsoft saw $$$, got greedy, & now they are paying the price. You can fool people for a while, but not forever.

I love MS products (some of them), just not their attitude of hey! We own the world! You GOT to do things our way! Buy this, just cause it's the new version (psst! That Windows XP version you are using, hey, it's antique! In case you didn't know! Buy now!.... Next year, it will be the same. Windows 10 is out! Buy, buy, buy!)

Hahaha! Hope you all see the humor in what I am saying, but it's also true! There are so many versions of Windows, & now, not only 32 bit, 64 bit, but rumors say Windows 8 will be 128 bit.

I struggle trying to keep up with things. I used to only need 1 ccleaner.

Now, I need CCleaner 32 bit, CCleaner 64 bit, CCleaner 128 bit, I just get tired of needing more, more, more, lol!

Well, thanks Hazel for such a great link!

- People will get used to free software

- People will start to prefer free

I'm already in that particular boat! There's such a treasure trove of good free software there's always an alternative however the OS is usually the major cost of running computer - although I do somewhat chuckle with disgust when I see software priced much higher than the Windows OS it runs on.

I'm with you on the multi-verse of Windows versions being released so often.

Charming video

Nice video, Hazel. :)

IMHO, Linux is the main reason microsoft doesn't have a water empire by now. <--- Cranky statement for the day.

IMHO, Linux is the main reason microsoft doesn't have a water empire by now.

No H2O operating system then!:lol: Warning label of course would have to read: Do Not Drink!

Nice video. I use both Linux and Windows but there are things in the other that the other one doesn't have. The penguin was funny. I guess the Microsoft nerd guy on the video was Bill Gates.