Microsoft warns on IE browser bug

Microsoft has issued a warning about a serious vulnerability in all versions of its Internet Explorer (IE) browser.

If exploited by a booby-trapped webpage the bug would allow attackers to take control of an unprotected computer.

More info here -

Just as well I only use Firefox. :P

Richard S.

Is it one of the bugs that can't bypass Protected Mode? There have been a lot of IE security holes lately...well, Firefox and Safari still have more flaws than IE.

thing with firefox & many others is the fixes all come quickly & are all declared, IE you have to wait weeks sometimes until next scheduled monthly updates.

thing with firefox & many others is the fixes all come quickly & are all declared, IE you have to wait weeks sometimes until next scheduled monthly updates.

That's a myth. Some FF flaws were not patched months after their discovery, since Mozilla doesn't really care about vulnerabilities unless they are actively exploited.