Microsoft vs EU

After reading the Poul Thurrott-article (

I was shocked :o


From the article:

Microsoft will not be allowed to sell Windows Vista in Europe if it comes bundled with certain features

EU specifically mentioned Internet search features, Internet Explorer 7, digital rights management technologies, and Microsoft's new Metro feature, which will compete with Adobe PDF

What is all that! EU will remove everything from Windows Vista! Then what is left?

They are shooting them selves in the foot, because I don't think Microsoft will just look by.

What are you thinking?

It's possible to not have stuff pre-installed on the OS, it would just need to be one of those things in Add or Remove Programs that could be called "install additional Windows components" so that people could have their Internet Explorer, etc. MS could probably even make an EU option during setup to allow the OS to install in compliance with EU law.

It all sounds rather stupid to me.

Well Microsoft have special versions avaible for such markets. Such as the "M" (was it M?) version of Windows that doesnt come with MSN and some software.

I think maybe Asia has something like that too, not only Europe.

EU doesnt want Microsoft to have monopoly on everything, Microsoft have a monopoly on operating system, so everytime they want introduce something, they put it in Windows and everybody gets it and they get an advantage their competitors dont.

I think that an operating system should come with useful software. EU should not go after MS for this, but MS have done other dirty business practices and vendor-lockin which EU should go after them for.

MS also have to pay money, but they refuse to or its that they pay but it dont hurt them because they make more money everyday than they have to pay.

EU says that they Microsoft should not be allowed to sell Windows in Europe if it comes bundled with all what it does. Microsoft dont want to loose the European market because its much money so they offer special "M" versions which are stripped down.

Europe settle with that I think, they are too afraid to go Linux.

Yeah, I think that many components such as IE, Outlook and stuff which cant be removed should be able to be removed.

EU go after Microsoft for bundling some software with their OS, but they dont go after Microsoft for the worse thing they do.

Pretty much all computer sold have the "Windows tax". Even if you dont buy an OS for your computer some money goes to Microsoft. And sometimes a computer without an operating system is same price as a computer with Windows and sometimes even more expensive.


100 % stupid.

Microsoft can't secure it's own OS in EU, because AV-companies will loose money???

AV-companies exist only because Microsoft created an insecure OS. Now if they want make it better they can't. That's illigal. :blink:

And what about IE7, and Windows Media Player. My mother will never understand how to use alternatives.

They just make it more difficult for the avarage user.

If EU wins this case, no one is going to buy Windows Vista, 'cos it will then only be Windows XP with new icons.

I agree that Microsoft should make IE7, WMP and other stuff completelly unistallable, but not if it hits the end user.

EU is just bored. No one is buying Windows N because, why should they? Microsoft has just wasted money.

If EU want to make something good, they aks MS for adding one of those things in Add or Remove Programs that could be called "install additional Windows components.

Thats all what I need.