hi there. been using CCleaner for a long time now, and have NEVER had a problem until now.
the important files being deleted are stored in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp
and are named:
in searching the forum, i found 4 related topics, but no solutions.
topic 1
topic 2
topic 3
topic 4
is there a way to either protect these files, or add an exception in the CCleaner settings?
thanks, any help would be much appreciated.
It is unfortunate that microsoft chose to keep those files where it does. The very nature of CCleaner means they will be cleaned each time.
Did you try that idea of making them read only?
Have you just installed MSVDM as you say you haven't had a problem until now.
By the way, welcome to the forum ![:)]()
It is unfortunate that microsoft chose to keep those files where it does. The very nature of CCleaner means they will be cleaned each time.
Did you try that idea of making them read only?
Have you just installed MSVDM as you say you haven't had a problem until now.
By the way, welcome to the forum ![:)]()
hello, hazelnut. thanks for the kind reply. yes, i installed MSVDM today, and stuck with it after trying out many other desktop managers. setting the files to 'read only' unfortunately does not seem to work.
i figured a small work-around: by copying those 4 files to a permanent location, and running a batch file that will copy them back after using CCleaner. anyway, it's really only a slight inconvenience, but an unnecessary one in my opinion.
do you think perhaps someday these (and other user-defined) files will be ignored by the cleaner?
do you think perhaps someday these (and other user-defined) files will be ignored by the cleaner?
Seems increasingly necessary, IIRC this is the second post this week involving an important file being stored in the temp directory.
absolutely, this is a must have feature! i'm not sure if this belongs in "suggestions", but here is a mock-up example:

please, developers...let us see something like this in the next version!
I like it, and the theme looks nice aswell ![:)]()
A simple batch file can move or copy those files to a more appropriate folder before even loading CCleaner. ![;)]()
I think this is a good suggestion. I wonder how hard it would be to make though.(of course you can select cookies, so how hard would it be to use the same principal for another folder.. I have no clue.
A simple batch file can move or copy those files to a more appropriate folder before even loading CCleaner.
hello Andavari, what may be simple to you is not simple to everyone else..would you please elaborate on this?
right now, with my limited knowledge of computers, the way i have it set up is:
in regedit i have created a key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell\Restore Deleted Files\command
the value data is C:\copy.bat
so now when i right click on the recycle bin there is an option, "Restore Deleted Files" that calls a batch file C:\copy.bat
in it says:
xcopy "C:\MSVDM\"*.*(<---which is where the original pictures are stored) "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\"
right-click recycle bin, "Run CCleaner" = files are deleted.
right-click recycle bin, "Restore Deleted Files" = files are restored.
yes, this is ONLY a two step process, but the point i am trying to make is that it shouldn't have to be.