Microsoft Update changed cookies names CCleaner cannot remove them

Hi guys.

This Microsoft Tuesday had an IE patch # KB2559049 which change the way cookies used to be read to an alpha-numeric txt. ie, CDRV54HG txt. BTW it only affect cookies in IE.

Is CCleaner removing them when running CCleaner ? According to Corrine (MVP Security Garden) they are not. I ran my own test and CCleaner removed some, left some:

Is Piriform awared of this ?

Thank you.

Devs read all these posts so will see this.

Welcome to the forum by the way :)

Devs read all these posts so will see this.

Welcome to the forum by the way :)


Thank you for your welcome.

Since I wrote the post above, Corrine replaced her reply to ky331 for this link:

BTW CCleaners has been removing all the cookies in my PC running XP and IE 8.


We haven't been able to find any problems cleaning IE cookies and IE 9.0.2.

Please, let us know which cookies you haven't been able to clean after installing KB2559049 (Internet Explorer 9.0.2 Update).


Gotta wonder if the cookie-scrambling MS "update" was designed to fool the average user who might otherwise recognize a cookie as a spyware/tracking cookie, e.g.,,, etc. If we don't recognize the now-gibberish cookies as spyware, we can't use IE's site blocking feature in Tools>Internet options>Privacy>Sites to block them. This issue also raises the question as to whether or not spyware detection/removal programs like some common Internet Security

Suites can still recognize gibberish spyware/tracking cookies as such and deal with them accordingly. Googling a named cookie certainly reveals which are spyware/tracking cookies but when I Google the new gibberish idents, I consistently get 'no match found'. Would not surprise me in the least to find that MS is working in concert with cookie-planting marketing and advertising companies as MS used some spyware/tracking cookies itself recognizable by use of 'ad' or 'market(ing)' as part of the MS cookie name. Deviance thy name is Microsoft!