Microsoft Security Essentails as optional Windows Update

Lets see where we go from here

I think given the number of folk who still don't run with an av this may just help (if they know where to look)

This is good news.

But, as usual, anti-trust lawyers will do everything they can to make sure the consumer is screwed.

Yeah, I agree with Aethec. Symantec and the other big pay-for av companies should just be quiet, since this av isn't one that you have to pay for.

I think given the number of folk who still don't run with an av this may just help (if they know where to look).

That (if they know where to look) is exactly the point; I don't know any average user who ever checks the optional updates.

Good intentions from Microsoft, but pretty useless!

It should really be the computer manufacturers that must install MSE or other free AV (on preinstalled Windows), but not Symantec trialware! :angry:

It should really be the computer manufacturers that must install MSE or other free AV (on preinstalled Windows), but not Symantec trialware! :angry:

Especially with Norton leaving behind about 500 MB of definition files after it's "uninstalled."


I don't see where they're offering MSE as a download, it's only there for updating the definition files which requires Automatic Updates be enabled, or can be updated from Microsoft Update. If MSE isn't installed it will show no updates for it.

Don't think it offers it to XP users Andavari. (as an optional Windows Update)

Don't think it offers it to XP users Andavari.

Hazelnut, MS Security Essentials is available for XP, Vista & Win 7 - please see: Download MS Security Ess.

I run this on my XP Pro SP3 boxes and my Win 7 32bit test box - all with no issues. (Run AVG with it on 1 unit and Avast with the other as stated last week, although not recommended as pointed out by your kind self).

Last week I downloaded the latest version twice, once from Microsoft and once from CNET (as per link) I was building 2 new boxes for clients, 1 32bit laptop and 1 64bit desktop.

Sorry if I didn't explain it correctly Tasgandy. (I've edited post above)

I didn't mean MSE wasn't available for XP users, I meant that being offered it via optional Windows Updates wasn't available for XP users.

Sorry if I didn't explain it correctly Tasgandy. (I've edited post above)

I didn't mean MSE wasn't available for XP users, I meant that being offered it via optional Windows Updates wasn't available for XP users.

Hazelnut I think you are saying that once MSE is installed on a XP PC that MS Security Essentials does not form part of the "Normal windows update".....yes you are correct, MSE has it's own "update" process within the application.

Another MSE interesting fact is that as of the 7th of October MSE is available for small business operators (up to and including 10 networked PC's) at no charge, those small business operators interested go to: MSE download

Tasgandy have a read of the link in my first post and then perhaps you may see what I mean.

It is about it being offered via Windows Updates as an optional, if it detects that you are running without up to date av protection.

Tasgandy have a read of the link in my first post and then perhaps you may see what I mean.

It is about it being offered via Windows Updates as an optional, if it detects that you are running without up to date av protection.

Understood Hazelnut :rolleyes:

It is about it being offered via Windows Updates as an optional, if it detects that you are running without up to date av protection.

Ah, that detection thing is why I'm not seeing it. Finally figured it out.:lol: