Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Can someone explain what this is exactly, how do i find out if i already have it, do i need it, and where to find it if i do need it? Thank you. :)

Can someone explain what this is exactly, how do i find out if i already have it, do i need it, and where to find it if i do need it? Thank you. :)

Well, can't explain exactly what it is, but it is basically a big package of functions that other programs can utilize. Sort of like what the VB6 runtimes are to CCleaner, or DirectX is to video games.

To find out if you have it, just open up Add or Remove Programs and check to see if it is listed. If you don't have it, you can get it here.

I would recommend getting both it and version 2.0 as well, because lots of new programs are dependent on it.

I can give you the short answers, if you need more info I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will reply.

You need it if you are trying to run an application that requires it. The application should alert you if you do. I think is an app that does.

You can see if you have it by looking in Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.

You can download it directly from MS here. Also, it should appear under Optional Software when you run Windows Update.

MS has a pretty good FAQ here.

Personally, I had problems with and .NET Framework and ended up uninstalling both. You should probably only download it if you are sure you need it.

Hope this helps :).

Well, can't explain exactly what it is, but it is basically a big package of functions that other programs can utilize. Sort of like what the VB6 runtimes are to CCleaner, or DirectX is to video games.

To find out if you have it, just open up Add or Remove Programs and check to see if it is listed. If you don't have it, you can get it here.

I would recommend getting both it and version 2.0 as well, because lots of new programs are dependent on it.

Sorry Lokoike, I guess we replied at about the same time. You are the more knowledgeable person I was thinking of :).

thanks guys. i had the 1.1 and went and got the 2 and then saw mikes answer, but its here and i will see what goes down. :)

Sorry Lokoike, I guess we replied at about the same time. You are the more knowledgeable person I was thinking of :).

Oh, I wouldn't say that. :)

But I did notice we both gave the same link. Great minds think alike. :D

Or perhaps morons think alike

Oh, I wouldn't say that. :)

But I did notice we both gave the same link. Great minds think alike. :D

Or perhaps morons think alike

It has been documented that occasionally morons and great minds think alike :P.

Geez that sounds moronic...

Well, can't explain exactly what it is, but it is basically a big package of functions that other programs can utilize. Sort of like what the VB6 runtimes are to CCleaner, or DirectX is to video games.

To find out if you have it, just open up Add or Remove Programs and check to see if it is listed. If you don't have it, you can get it here.

I would recommend getting both it and version 2.0 as well, because lots of new programs are dependent on it.

I'm intrigued by your comment. I actually called UMSL's IT department on Thursday to ask about .NET, and they told me that you only need it if you have Hotmail. The guy that I spoke with says that he doesn't even have .NET Framework installed on his computer. I uninstalled 2.0 last week, and I haven't noticed any changes.

I'm going to do some investigating unless someone has a quick reply?

I'm intrigued by your comment. I actually called UMSL's IT department on Thursday to ask about .NET, and they told me that you only need it if you have Hotmail. The guy that I spoke with says that he doesn't even have .NET Framework installed on his computer. I uninstalled 2.0 last week, and I haven't noticed any changes.

I'm going to do some investigating unless someone has a quick reply?

What?! I don't know what that guy was smoking! Is he seriously under the impression that the .NET Framework was designed purely for Hotmail?!

Obviously, he is terribly wrong. And that is coming from someone who admits to not understanding the nuances of the .NET Framework. Lots of new programs utilize this framework, not just Hotmail. After all, the installed .NET Framework 2.0 takes over 80 MBs on your hard drive! You think someone would download something that big just to aid an email account?

One software company that uses the .NET Framework alot is Lexun Freeware. Almost all of their apps require either version 1.1 or 2.0 to run, just like CCleaner requires VB6 to run. And Lexun is only one of the many companies that require this framework. Plus, as .NET becomes more popular, as it most assuredly will, you will see more and more programs which require it to run.

You may have to give your IT buddy a crash course in computing, cause obviously his education is FTL. :D

The .NET framework is becoming more common lately with many developers starting to make use of it.

Sometimes you might download and install a program only to wonder why it does not work or you get error codes.

Googling these error codes will make it apparent that you need the .NET framework, so I would always advise people to make sure that they always have the latest version installed.

What?! I don't know what that guy was smoking! Is he seriously under the impression that the .NET Framework was designed purely for Hotmail?!

He must of gotten a bad batch of something. :lol: But yes, he said Hotmail. I'm glad that got you all worked up. ;) I'll reinstall 2.0, thanks!

You may have to give your IT buddy a crash course in computing, cause obviously his education is FTL. :D

I have his name, so I'll give him a call on Monday. Now I'm scared to call IT. :unsure:

He must of gotten a bad batch of something. :lol: But yes, he said Hotmail. I'm glad that got you all worked up. ;) I'll reinstall 2.0, thanks!

You may have to give your IT buddy a crash course in computing, cause obviously his education is FTL. :D

I have his name, so I'll give him a call on Monday. Now I'm scared to call IT. :unsure:

IT = EVIL! Although I'm sure your buddy was a nice guy, albeit, a bit ignorant about the workings of .NET.

I have absolutely no problem with people who don't know the answer to something. But what really gets me upset is people who don't know the answer to something, and pretend that they do! I mean, seriously, who would want to lead a nice person like yourself astray? :angry::P

Glad this helped you out, and make sure you set him straight! :D

I mean, seriously, who would want to lead a nice person like yourself astray? :angry::P

Exactly! ;) Quick question. What does the x86 mean?

Exactly! ;) Quick question. What does the x86 mean?

x86 refers to something written for 32-bit processors. Not very specific, I know, but that is about the extent of my knowledge. :)

And as you probably already know, x64 is being used now to refer to 64-bit architecture.

EDIT: Here is a link that I just found that will explain its origin a little better.

x86 refers to something written for 32-bit processors. Not very specific, I know, but that is about the extent of my knowledge. :)

And as you probably already know, x64 is being used now to refer to 64-bit architecture.

EDIT: Here is a link that I just found that will explain its origin a little better.

Thanks that what I thought, but was told different (from you know who!). IT=EVIL :lol:

EDIT: IT isn't really evil, this guy is just a little off base. (a little???)

Thanks that what I thought, but was told different (from you know who!). IT=EVIL :lol:

EDIT: IT isn't really evil, this guy is just a little off base. (a little???)

Grrr!!! Lemme at im'! :angry:

But yeah, I would take anything he says with a grain (or a rock) of salt. He seems like he may know a bit, but fills in anything he doesn't know with crap.

Grrr!!! Lemme at im'! :angry:

But yeah, I would take anything he says with a grain (or a rock) of salt. He seems like he may know a bit, but fills in anything he doesn't know with crap.

Word :D

Exactly! ;) Quick question. What does the x86 mean?

x86 would be the type of processor that your computer posesses.

x86 is also known to be an assembly language(very advanced programming language)

for more info:

After reading that I'm not sure that I have a 32-bit processer. Maybe I shouldn't be using the .NET 2.0. I lists the AMD processesors that are 32 (none on the list are mine), and mine just says AMD,MMD.

After reading that I'm not sure that I have a 32-bit processer. Maybe I shouldn't be using the .NET 2.0. I lists the AMD processesors that are 32 (none on the list are mine), and mine just says AMD,MMD.

What is your proc? You said that your computer is somewhat old, and 64-bit processors for personal use haven't been around all that long. Not to mention, WinXP x64 wouldn't work on yours, so I'm positive you are 32-bit. And .NET 2.0 should work just fine for you (I have it and no problems).

What is your proc? You said that your computer is somewhat old, and 64-bit processors for personal use haven't been around all that long. Not to mention, WinXP x64 wouldn't work on yours, so I'm positive you are 32-bit. And .NET 2.0 should work just fine for you (I have it and no problems).

AMD Atholon Processor, MMX, 3D Now, ~1.0GHz

You may have to give your IT buddy a crash course in computing, cause obviously his education is FTL. :D

One last question...What does FTL stand for?

(Fat Tiger Licker?) :lol: