With my new computer came a nice HP mouse, however it was damaged (serial port bent beyond use) so I demanded they send me a new one. They sent me a Microsoft Wheel Mouse (Optical) and I was like "alrighht"
Since then however, I haven't been able to get my scroll wheel to work. I've tried three different versions of the driver and nothing seems to work. I'm planning on getting a new mouse (Razer Diamondback 3G) in the next month or so but this is quite annoying as I need it for certain games as well as web browsing.
With my new computer came a nice HP mouse, however it was damaged (serial port bent beyond use) so I demanded they send me a new one. They sent me a Microsoft Wheel Mouse (Optical) and I was like "alrighht"
Since then however, I haven't been able to get my scroll wheel to work. I've tried three different versions of the driver and nothing seems to work. I'm planning on getting a new mouse (Razer Diamondback 3G) in the next month or so but this is quite annoying as I need it for certain games as well as web browsing.
If anyone has any clue, any help is appreciated.
I can't win with this cpu
Why you fighting with th new mouse? Demand they send you a replacement of the original.
In the "Mice And Other Pointing Devices", do you not have any options if you right click "Microsoft USB Wheelmouse Optical (Intellipoint)" and select "Properties"?
If not, is that maybe because it's a USB mouse as opposed to a PS/2 mouse? I can't comment on that as this PS/2 mouse is the only one I've used.
However the failings I've had are with newer versions of the IntelliPoint mouse software which gives me nothing but issues, which is why I use the much older version 5.20.413.0 which itself even has issues but nothing compared to everything newer I've tried.
Winapp2.ini you may need to use the Microsoft IntelliPoint mouse software to enable the features, but first look in the Control Panel for anything that reads Mouse on it as there should be a default driver for configuration.