Microsoft offers "A $25 USB Stick With Windows 8 Pro And Parallels For Mac"
1000 units sold out almost immediately. Wonder what that means for microsoft?
Microsoft offers "A $25 USB Stick With Windows 8 Pro And Parallels For Mac"
1000 units sold out almost immediately. Wonder what that means for microsoft?
by sheer coincidence, I worked on two Macs this week with Win7 and Parallels.
seemed a very solid VM software.
Parallels they paid $80 for and depending on how you get Win8, it can be as little as $30 or $40, so $25 for the stick, win8 and the VM is a great price.
Parallels is very solid software. They have a product called 'Desktop' that lets you run Windows software (almost) natively on the Mac, without having to switch to the Windows UI.
(sidenote: why do many old-time Windows users insist on capitalising the word 'Mac?' Is it a habit from a historical Apple naming convention?)
hahaha!! that's all they could get for windows 8..
(sidenote: why do many old-time Windows users insist on capitalising the word 'Mac?' Is it a habit from a historical Apple naming convention?)
why would you not capitalise it?
I got rapped on the knuckles too many times in Grade 5 English class if I didn't.
it's the name of something; like John or Paris.
old habits die hard... (damn you Mrs Collins)
I mean full capitalisation, eg. 'MAC' instead of 'Mac'
OT: Shane, I did some googling and found that no one knows why this happens. Some have attributed it to seeing things like MAC (the address) and Mac and thinking they're the same thing.
The only other thing I can think of is My Apple Computer (MAC)
Winapp: Maximum Allowable Cost...Muddled And Confused...Mighty Annoying Contraption, any others?
Don't know, Shane, just a habit to use all caps.
Could also stem from petty mac/pc arguements.
"Well my MAC only gets the pinwheel of doom sometimes!"
Wow, I really must be out of the Mac loop, I've never seen it written as MAC.
(and that's an ignorance I'm happy to keep)
When I write official correspondence I generally use "Mac". This is a sign of respect to capitalize a name. I don't use "mac" unless I'm insulting the platform. And "MAC" refers to MAC address.