Microsoft Excel - Button Help

Hi all.

I wonder if someone can help me. I am trying to create a timesheet for work so that if I click a certain button, its colours the cells I have highlighted in a pre chosen colour and also display the task name (but only in the first cell)

Each cell is to represent 15 minutes of time Lets say for instance a particular job took 60 miuntes to do, instead of having four cells which have the same task name which would look like 4 separate tasks, I would like it if the top cell had the task name with the remaining cells under it only being shaded in.

See the attached image to get an idea of what I'm getting at:


Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

Many thanks



After spending a fair while on this problem, I decided to post a thread out of frustration.

I took a 20 minute break from it then sat back down again to try again....and I am pleased to say I got it to work.

Thank you to anyone who was trying to sort this for me.