I removed Microsoft Edge from my Windows 10 computer, yet CCleaner reports cleaning it every time I run it. How is that possible?
You can't completely remove Edge from Windows 10. (Articles that say you can are not telling you all the story, they are only talking about the Edge browser).
You can disable or uninstall the Edge browser, - but core components of Edge are needed for other Windows 10 apps to work.
Edge is built into the Operating System and is used by other apps/programmes not just the browser - if you could remove it completely then Win 10 (or parts of it) would stop working.
This may change in the near future when the Edge browser becomes Chromium based as standard.
(You can get trial/beta versions of Edge Chrome now if you want to).
So even if you do remove the Edge browser other things are still using Edge components and so can leave stuff to be cleaned.
Because Edge and IE are built into Windows 10 as standard then CCleaner will always show the catagories for them.
If you don't want CCleaner to analyze/clean Edge then use the Custom Clean and simply untick all the boxes for Edge.
If you don't use IE browser then you can untick those as well, but leave the 'Temporary internet files' other apps use those as well.
(Note that Easy Clean/Health Check will still clean them no matter what you have ticked/unticked in Custom Clean).