Microsoft Edge Will Not Close

I've used CCleaner for years. For at least six months or so whenever I try to clean up my computer with CCleaner, I have gotten the message, "Microsoft Edge will not close. Would you like us to force it to close." So, I always agreed to that. CCleaner forces Microsoft Edge to close and then it cleaned up my computer and finished.

Just today, CCleaner stops at that step. It informs me that Microsoft Edge has not closed, asks me if I would like for it to close, but it hangs up there, permanently.

I'm running Microsoft Windows version 10 home.

Anyone know how to fix this?

Try going into Windows Settings...Privacy.. then looking in left-hand list for Background Apps and click on it.

Look in the list that appears for Microsoft Edge and untick it.

Restart your machine.


I'll try this, thank you. I was just logging in to edit my comment. After CCleaner hangs up, my computer fans starts to run loud and continuously.

I tried this fix, but it didn't work. The same thing keeps happening. Ccleaner gets hung up. It keeps saying that Microsoft Edge needs to be closed. It asks me if I want to close it and I say "yes" and it just hangs and hangs. As it hangs, my laptop fan go crazy!

Try opening Edge and click on the 3 dots at the top right of the page.

Choose Settings.

Click on Privacy and Security and select Clear Browsing Data (the choose what to keep button)

It should free things up, something may be stuck in the pipeline :)

See here:


What I have to do even after applying the above fix in that other topic is <em>(even though I do not use Edge)</em>:

1. When my laptop starts I start Edge, and then I close Edge immediately.

2. Doing that with the above fix allows CCleaner to clean Edge without complaining, or other issues - even if I have my computer on for many hours or days. I have to re-do step 1 whenever I restart my laptop however after a while it becomes a remembered habit/ritual.