Microsoft bumps support prices for Windows, Office

Microsoft's per-incident customer support prices were quietly bumped last week as the company rolled out the newest version of its operating system, Windows Vista. Prices for both Windows Vista and XP support were raised, from $39 to $59 per incident while support prices for Office XP and Office 2007 went from $35 to $49 per incident. General support inquiries as well as inquiries for less prominent software, such as Microsoft Money, remain at $35 per incident.

What was the reason for the price bump? "The new assisted support pricing model is in-line with industry standards and has been set globally in reference to GDP (gross domestic product) per capita to more accurately reflect the value of and Microsoft's investment in the customer support experience with Windows and Office products," the Microsoft spokesperson said. "These prices reflect new technology usage and customer implementation, which is paramount as Microsoft customers use more integrated technology solutions."


I wonder how many people actually call them for support at those prices.(I'm sure its a ton. <_< )

I want to try the new office, the interface is so funky looking but everyone that I know who has used it said that they liked it. I'm really not liking MS's take on their next os.

Make support cost more

Make interface bulky and colorful

Input crazy DRM crap.(see djlizards blog for an interesting story about changing hardware with vista)

I wonder how many people actually call them for support at those prices.(I'm sure its a ton. <_< )

I want to try the new office, the interface is so funky looking but everyone that I know who has used it said that they liked it. I'm really not liking MS's take on their next os.

Make support cost more

Make interface bulky and colorful

Input crazy DRM crap.(see djlizards blog for an interesting story about changing hardware with vista)

Office 2003 is good enough for me. I could careless about the interface.
Office 2003 is good enough for me. I could careless about the interface.

I have Office 2003 on my computer also for what I do it does just fine all my other computer in the house use OpenOffice. If thats all I had I would be perfectly happy with that also most computers I build or fix that need a Office program get OpenOffice on it. I set it up to be cross compatible with MS Office.

I wonder how many people actually call them for support at those prices.(I'm sure its a ton. <_< )

I want to try the new office, the interface is so funky looking but everyone that I know who has used it said that they liked it. I'm really not liking MS's take on their next os.

Make support cost more

Make interface bulky and colorful

Input crazy DRM crap.(see djlizards blog for an interesting story about changing hardware with vista)

Do you have a link for this blog?

Do you have a link for this blog?

Yeah, here: