MFT fragmented

Hi All. After upgrading to the new version of CC, the disk defragment utility in xp now reports that some files could not be defragmented. This has never happened before so I'm wondering why it is now.

I don't want to go downloading any more software to defragment because the one that comes with the OS has always worked perfectly fine for me. I just want to know what the CC developers have done to cause this problem with defragmenting.

Figured as much........... <_<

Why do think that CCleaner caused this ?

... and after what 'option was added to CC' ?

... and what files can't be defragged ?

Don't you think that a little more information might help people to assist you?

That "some files couldn't be defragmented" issue from my experience was the result of some software enabling the USN Journal on the system that previously didn't have it - no Piriform software to my knowledge ever enables it.

Sure you can remove the USN Journal but from what I've read with negative effects. Some antivirus software ("Microsoft Security Essentials, etc.") require it to be active, so even if you remove it, they'll just re-enable it.


And worrying about MFT fragmentation, well I have a freshly rebuilt system and within one day the MFT had three fragments. Nothing to even be concerned about since it will happen anyways.

Fragmentation of the MFT is like fragmentation of the registry, defragging it is negligible to performance


And worrying about MFT fragmentation, well I have a freshly rebuilt system and within one day the MFT had three fragments. Nothing to even be concerned about since it will happen anyways.

I did manage to get it down to 3 fragments. Thanks for thar confirmation, nonetheless. It's just weird that I have never received this notifucation until CCleaner added the option to mess around with the MFT. No system permormance decline . I was just curious about it. I'm still going to research it a bit though. I've been usung this program for several years and have been very happy with it's basic ability.

Download Free Ed Revo Unistaller......excute evidence CHDSK........reboot & than defrag....if still presnet rerun cHKSK & than defrag.....helped me reduce meta data fro 40 files to zero.