i recently renewed my subscription for ccleaner professional on 10-24-2019 and i still keep getting the popup to renew the subscription. when i check to see if the program is registered to me in the options section it shows that i am. another thing: whenever i close my browser now the popup telling me that the browser was cleaned doesn't fade away now either. what do i need to do to fix this?
so i posted this almost a month ago, and still no response. do you people even read these things? i still have the same issue! fix this already!!!
Apologies that nobody replied to you before, I'm not sure why.
The false licencing notification issue has been fixed.
There was a intermittent problem with the old licence server which has now been replaced with a new server, you should not get those messages anymore if your licence is still in date.
The problem with your browser cleaning is a seperate issue, could you explain a bit more just what you are seeing?
What browser you are using, and your Windows version, may also give a better clue of what the problem might be.
it is the same no matter what browser i use, be it Edge, Torch, or Firefox. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling almost a month ago, and yet the problem persists.
I don't use automatic Browser cleaning myself, but I thought that you had to click on the notifications to dismiss them?
If you don't want to see the notifications at all then in CCleaner go to Options>Smart Cleaning and in 'Enable automatic browser cleaning' change the action for each browser to "automatically clean on closing without notification."
(Or you could turn off the automatic cleaning of browsers on closing altogether?)
The pop-up for automatic cleaning should only stick around if you hover over it with the pointer. You don't by chance have a touchscreen computer or multiple mice (I doubt either of these but worth the ask).
I"m getting the same thing. I get a renew reminder quite often when booting up my laptop. I upgraded and renewed in November.
As said above the licenece server was replaced with a new one a few months back which cured most problems with false renewal notices.
So if you are still seeing renewal notices than it would seem to be a different issue.
We can't deal with licencing issues on this forum other than the very basics.
Obviously your licence details are sensitive information and you don't want them discussed in plain view on a public forum.
You will need to contact support directly to get licencing issues resolved.
There is a contact form at: <a href="https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new" rel="external" target="_blank">https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new</a>
Or you can contact them by email: support@ccleaner.com
3 hours ago, mlind99 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> I"m getting the same thing. I get a renew reminder quite often when booting up my laptop. I upgraded and renewed in November. </p> </div>
@mlind99: Since the licence server was replaced last year, the cases that still come through to the customer support team on this ("I bought but still get asked to buy", "I renewed but still get told that I expired") are always down to not registering the serial key that came through on the order confirmation from Cleverbridge. This mainly applies to new purchases, but also to upgrades and repurchases from existing customers where a fresh serial number was issued.
- For users upgrading from free to paid you need to go into the CCleaner product console and navigate to Options > About > Upgrade to Pro and then copy-paste the name and licence key from your order confirmation email and click "Register".
- For existing users with a new licence key it is pretty much the same process, except the button on the "About" screen should be called "License Information" instead of "Upgrade to Pro"
If you get an error message saying that your registration information is invalid, be sure to check:
- The "Name" field is important and must match the information in the confirmation email - and it is the name that you provided, not your email address.
- Depending on your screen font the "2"s in the serial key can look like "Z"s, the "5"s like "S"s and the letter "I" like the number "1" - be sure to copy-paste (Control-C, Control-V) from the email to save time and frustration.
- CCleaner Professional Plus serial keys (starting with the letter "P") will work on Macs, but if you purchased CCleaner for PC for your Mac by mistake you may have difficulties with registering - contact support@ccleaner.com and they can help sort out an exchange for you.