Message about Firefox

Immediately aftyer startying analyze I get this message:

"You must close Firefox to allow Internet cache to be cleaned.

Otherwise the process will be skipped."

IO get the exact same message after clickng on the cleaner.

The problem is I do not have Forefox open at that time.

So what gives?

hello Braideaten and welcome to the forum

Have a look at this thread

hello Braideaten and welcome to the forum

Have a look at this thread

Thank you, Hazelnut, for your prompt reply. I have used task manager each time I get the message, and it does not show Firefox as running. It makes me wonder where this secret app called Firefox is hiding out of sight. Have you any other ideas?

Firefox has a bad habit about starting mutlitple processes. When you opened up your task manager did you processes tab? If not look there and see if you see firefox.exe if you do highlight it and press end process.

Thank you, Hazelnut, for your prompt reply. I have used task manager each time I get the message, and it does not show Firefox as running. It makes me wonder where this secret app called Firefox is hiding out of sight. Have you any other ideas?

Thanks again to all who tried to help. Looking at task manager did not show Firefox runnig as an app. Maybe I will try ending the process in TaskManager before using Ccleaner. I am a little leary about this . Will Firefox still be accessibale after that or will I have to re-boot to get it back?

If you end it under processes you will still be able to start it back up just like always. The problem is just an issue with firefox, it will sometimes hang and not really close even when the window has closed.

Firefox has a bad habit about starting mutlitple processes. When you opened up your task manager did you processes tab? If not look there and see if you see firefox.exe if you do highlight it and press end process.

I'm surprised nobody has made a FF extension for that yet. ;)