Merry Christmas

I haven,t posted in awhile, Well. Cuz I ain,t had no problems hehe. I just wanted To wish Everyone a Very happy & safe holiday season . Cowboy

A merry xmas to you as well cowboy and to everyone else on the forum. :)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Xmas.

30 minutes to go here in West Oz.


Merry X-mas and Happy Holidays to everyone. :)





May all your wishes come true, have a safe one people.

merry Christmas everyone :D,12 h to go from Ga.

Merry Chirstmas. hmm, i just said mas of Christ :)

Happy Christmas to all , hope you all get a nice surprise of Santa for being so great :D

I've been getting ready for ChristmasI'm revving up for the great daymy credit card's cracked and my freezer is packed'cause I started my shopping in MayThe family is coming for dinnerlast year it was quite a good laughwe ate fairly late - dished the veg on the platefound the turkey was still in the baththe Kids are all pink with excitement'cause Santa will come so they saytheir lists are extensive - extremely expensiveand they'll break it all by Boxing dayBut it's worth all that fuss Christmas morningwhen their little eyes are all aglowwhen we're all feeling merry full of goodwill and sherryand suffering from wind Ho Ho HoBut please don't forget why we do itwhy each year we must go to this fussfor that guy up above who brought peace and brought loveand who probably owns Toys R Us..........

Merry Christmas

to everyone at CCleaner.


You are all to clever but my heart is just as big! Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays :D

A very merry Christmas to everyone.


Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Take Care everyone!

any new years resolutions?

Good times! Hope everyone has a great day today! :)

Merry Christmas! :)

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!

Hope everyone goes easy on the Stollen and Gl?hwein :P:lol:
