Merry Christmas to all

Ashland College always does a beautiful Christmas card and this year they have done another one.

Click to view card.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Same to you razz, have a good one.

Hi all.

Well its that time of year again so I thought I would send my Christmas greeting. Its Christmas eve when your all out having fun and getting p**t. This is the Christmas card that was sent out a couple of years ago by our head of campus. It quite good and better than posting a card.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

P.S. If any one can save me the xmas.swf movie file I would like to make my own Christmas card. ;)

Edit: I've found how to save the movie. Just right-click on link and Save Target As.


Yes, Merry Christmas to all and have a great year ahead! :lol: